Rausu, Hokkaido: A Whale Watcher’s Paradise

Rausu, Hokkaido: A Whale Watcher’s Paradise

Hokkaido Japan

Rausu: Where Giants of the Sea Roam

Rausu (羅臼) is a town in Hokkaido, Japan, known for its stunning natural beauty and abundant marine life. I’ve always dreamed of seeing whales in the wild, and Rausu seemed like the perfect place to make that dream a reality. It's an experience I knew I couldn’t miss.

Embark on an Unforgettable Whale Watching Adventure

Discover the magic of the ocean as you embark on a thrilling whale watching expedition in Rausu, Hokkaido. Renowned as one of Japan's premier destinations for marine wildlife encounters, Rausu offers unparalleled opportunities to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.

A Killer Encounter

Rausu is renowned for its incredible whale watching opportunities. With its pristine waters and abundant marine life, it's no wonder this region has become a top choice for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. The Shiretoko Nature Cruise was an unforgettable experience. Sailing through the pristine waters, surrounded by towering cliffs and lush greenery, was breathtaking. Spotting whales and seabirds up close was truly magical. The knowledgeable crew added to the adventure, sharing fascinating insights about the local ecosystem.

Imagine the exhilaration of watching killer whales breach the surface, their tails creating spectacular splashes. Or the awe-inspiring sight of a pod of orcas working together in perfect synchronicity to hunt for prey. Rausu's unique geographical location and rich ecosystem provide ideal conditions for whale watching, ensuring unforgettable encounters for visitors of all ages.

Witness the Power: Killer Whale Watching

Shiretoko Shyokudou: A Taste of the Sea

Shiretoko Shokudou (知床食堂) is a beloved local eatery where you can savor the freshest seafood. While enjoying the magnificent view of the Shiretoko mountain range, you can indulge in a variety of dishes made with fresh seafood caught locally. The seafood bowl is particular is a must-try, as it is generously topped with the freshest seafood caught that morning. We also tried the "Kurohamo don" rice bowl (黒ハモ丼) which is a type of conger eel. Ordering the kurohamo don for the first time was a treat. The fillets were surprisingly large and substantial. Prepared in the classic kabayaki style, the fish is flattened, seasoned, grilled to a rich caramel brown, and boasts a tender, melt-in-your-mouth texture.

Rausu left an indelible mark on my heart

Witnessing whales in their natural habitat was a dream come true. The thrill of spotting a breaching humpback is an experience I’ll cherish forever. Beyond the whale watching, Rausu offers a taste of authentic Hokkaido life. From indulging in the freshest seafood to savoring the world-famous local seaweed, my taste buds were in paradise. The charming village of Rausu provided a cozy retreat after each day’s adventure. This coastal haven is a must-visit for anyone seeking a truly unforgettable experience.

Sakura Falls: Witness the Thrill of Salmon Migration

Sakura Falls: Witness the Thrill of Salmon Migration

Hokkaido Japan

Hokkaido's Sakura Falls: Nature's Epic Show

Discover the awe-inspiring spectacle of salmon migration at Sakura Falls, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Hokkaido, Japan. Renowned for its breathtaking beauty, this cascading waterfall is a natural wonder that draws visitors from around the world. However, it’s the annual salmon run that truly sets Sakura Falls apart.

Witness Nature's Power: Salmon Leap at Sakura Falls

Every summer (June to August), thousands of salmon embark on an epic journey upstream, battling strong currents to reach their spawning grounds. At Sakura Falls, these determined fish put on an unforgettable display of strength and resilience as they leap tirelessly over the cascading waters. Witnessing this natural phenomenon firsthand is an experience that will leave you breathless.

Immerse yourself in the pristine wilderness of Hokkaido as you observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. The surrounding area offers stunning hiking trails, allowing you to explore the lush forests and capture breathtaking photos of the falls. Whether you're an avid angler, a wildlife enthusiast, or simply seeking an unforgettable outdoor adventure, Sakura Falls is a must-visit destination.

Sakura Falls: A Spectacular Salmon Migration Destination

The official map indicated salmon viewing season runs from June through August. Our mid-June visit was perfectly timed, as we witnessed a thriving salmon population. The observation point is conveniently located a short distance from the parking area. Watching these fish furiously fight their way up the waterfall was mesmerizing. We effortlessly spent an hour in awe.

Watching the salmon leap against the powerful current was an unforgettable experience. I never imagined witnessing such a spectacle in nature. The surrounding beauty of Hokkaido only enhanced the magic of the moment. It's a place I'll cherish in my memory for years to come.

Cyrus Restaurant Revisited: A Culinary Adventure in Geyserville

Cyrus Restaurant Revisited: A Culinary Adventure in Geyserville

Michelin Star Napa & Sonoma

The Bubble Lounge

Returning to Cyrus Restaurant in Geyserville feels like reuniting with an old friend—a friend who always has something new and exciting to share. Stepping into this culinary haven once again, I'm greeted by the familiar elegant ambiance that promises an evening of indulgence and discovery. It's a place where every visit feels like a special occasion, and this time is no different.

Our culinary adventure began in the first room, the Bubble Lounge. We were welcomed with a selection of cocktails alongside a playful display – a long plate of miniature canapés, each a delightful exploration of one of the five fundamental tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. This felt like a lighthearted promise from the chefs, a hint that they would orchestrate a harmonious dance of flavors throughout the entire meal.

Canapés: (left to right)

Sweet: Garlic Chive Madeleine  |  Sour: Green Strawberry, Yogurt, Basil  |  Salty: Gougère with Comte Fondue  |  Bitter: Charred Spring Onion "Cannoli"  |  Umami: Bamboo Rice Ship, Sesame Yolk Jam, Seaweed Chocolate

Cyrus appetite

Kitchen Table

The next chapter of our culinary adventure unfolded – the kitchen table. Here, Chef Keane himself takes center stage, presenting a seven-course tasting menu at an angular, U-shaped counter. This intimate setting creates an almost cinematic experience, fostering a sense of connection with the culinary maestro as he unveils each course.

As I settle into my seat, I can't help but marvel at the menu, which seems to have undergone a transformation since my last visit. Chef Keane presents some of his most celebrated creations, including his signature billi bi, a French mussel soup infused with the essence of fennel. While some old favorites remain, there are also intriguing new additions that pique my curiosity. It's a testament to Cyrus's commitment to innovation and creativity, always striving to push the boundaries of culinary excellence.

Kitchen Table at Cyrus

kitchen table at Cyrus
White Asparagus, Ponzu, Candied Ginger

White Asparagus, Ponzu, Candied Ginger

Blue Fin Tuna, Plum, Sea Lettuce-Sansho Furikake

Blue Fin Tuna, Plum, Sea Lettuce-Sansho Furikake

Uni, Pea and Fermented Carrot Tart

Uni, Pea and Fermented Carrot Tart

"Oreo" Foie Gras Torchon, Black Garlic, Rhubarb

“Oreo” Foie Gras Torchon, Black Garlic, Rhubarb

Artichoke, Sake Lees, Lettuce Puree

Artichoke, Sake Lees, Lettuce Puree

Chawanmushi, Blue Crab Fava Bean Fondue, Yuzu Foam

Chawanmushi, Blue Crab Fava Bean Fondue, Yuzu Foam

Dining Room

Cyrus Restaurant's dining room experience is where the heart of the culinary journey unfolds. Here, the main course isn't just a single dish, it's a carefully orchestrated symphony of flavors designed to tantalize your taste buds. The true magic lies in the artistry. Cyrus' chefs are storytellers on a plate. They utilize innovative techniques and unexpected combinations to create dishes that are not just delicious, but visually stunning as well.

Sobacha Epi

Sobacha Epi, House Cultured Butter

Soba Wrapped Black Cod, Ginger Shiso Dashi

Soba Wrapped Black Cod, Ginger Shiso Dashi

Poussin, Miso Morels, Creamed Ramps and Fava Greens

Poussin, Miso Morels, Creamed Ramps and Fava Greens

Sonomo Coast Lamb, Creamed Corn, Squash, Green Tomato

Brillat Savarin, Strawberry, Fennel Pollen Brioche

Brillat Savarin, Strawberry, Fennel Pollen Brioche

Black Lime Cake, Poached Aloe, Hearts of Palm

Non-Alcoholic Pairing Menus

Their non-alcoholic pairing menu offers a creative and delicious selection of drinks that complement the flavors of their dishes, making every bite and sip a memorable one. Cyrus' beverage team crafts these pairings with the same meticulousness as their renowned wine list. They consider the ingredients, textures, and flavor profiles of each dish, ensuring a harmonious symphony for your taste buds.

Sakura "Rose Champagne"

Sakura "Rose Champagne" - coconut, white sesame, cherry blossom, lime

Raspberry Refresher

Raspberry Refresher - rosé raspberry coulis, hibiscus & rooibos tea, golden balsamic

Carrot Souffle

Carrot Soufflé - caraway, orange blossom, turmeric, sunflower seed

Apple Martini

Apple Martini - Pink lady apple, sunomono cucumber, shio-koji, blistered shishito

Tea old fashioned

Tea old fashioned - keemun & oolong, ginseng, miso, burnt sugar

Pineapple Sunrise

Pineapple Sunrise - golden raisin, chamomile, honey, balsamic float


Of course, no visit to Cyrus would be complete without indulging in dessert. 🙂

  • Sweet: Strawberry Sake Lees Mousse, Almond Sable
  • Sour: Sudachi and Olive Oil Tartlet, Shiso Meringue
  • Salty: Black Sesame Bon Bon, Toasted Rice Ganache
  • Bitter: Earl Grey Canele
  • Umami: Dark Chocolate Seaweed Coquette, Sweet Soy

Chocolate Room - A secret dessert closet?

Cyrus's meal concludes in grand fashion at the Chocolate Room. This hidden gem offers a dramatic finale. Imagine a cascading wall of chocolate – a feast for the eyes before you indulge in the house-made hot chocolate.

What truly sets Cyrus apart is not just the food, but the overall dining experience. From the moment you walk through the door, you're greeted with warmth and hospitality that makes you feel like a cherished guest. The staff at Cyrus are attentive and knowledgeable, always on hand to offer recommendations or answer any questions you may have. It's this personal touch that elevates the dining experience from merely enjoyable to truly unforgettable.

In conclusion, returning to Cyrus Restaurant in Geyserville is like embarking on a culinary adventure—one that never fails to delight and surprise. With its innovative cuisine, impeccable service, and inviting ambiance, Cyrus continues to set the standard for fine dining in Sonoma County. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a returning patron like myself, Cyrus never fails to impress, leaving you eagerly anticipating your next visit.


The Pilgrimage Road to Santiago – Camino Francés (Part 2)

The Pilgrimage Road to Santiago – Camino Francés (Part 2)


DAY 9 - Sarria to Portomarin (22KM)

The path is alive with many people. Backpacks of every size and color bob along the dusty trail. It's a constant stream of walkers, some alone, others in small groups. A chorus of "Buen camino!" fills the air, a friendly greeting passed back and forth like a baton. I smile and nod, feeling a sense of camaraderie with these strangers united by a common goal. The energy is infectious, pushing me forward with each step.

Westie's Grassy Escape

On our walk from Sarria to Portomarin, we encountered a family accompanied by three dogs. While the owners strolled ahead, their Westie seized the opportunity to indulge in a playful roll around in the dewy grass. So cute~

Camino with Canine Companion

Spotting the dogs ahead, I quickened my pace to match theirs. A pang of longing washed over me as I imagined Bear, my own faithful companion, trotting by my side on this Camino adventure.

A Camino lunch is always a delightful surprise

The simplest dishes often pack the biggest flavor punch. My sausage omelet today was a case in point - an uncomplicated meal that will linger in my memory long after the trail.

Portomarin at last!

After a long, wet day of walking, our weary feet are grateful for the respite.

DAY 10 - Portomarin to Palas de Rei (21.9km)

The relentless rain turned the Camino into a muddy slog. Every step was a challenge as soaked boots squelched and wind whipped against rain-soaked clothes. The once inviting landscape was now a dreary blur.

Caught in a Camino Hailstorm

The rain was a constant companion on the trek from Portomarin to Palas de Rei. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, a sudden hailstorm erupted. With no shelter in sight, we were caught in the open, shivering and drenched.

We made it to Palas de Rei!

We finally reached Palas de Rei, drenched and starving. Luckily, Pulperia a Nosa Terra, a fantastic restaurant next to our hotel, came to the rescue with a delicious dinner. The day's ordeal ended on a high note when we discovered a foot bath bucket in our room - perfect for our aching feet!

The path from Palas de Rei to Melide was a muddy gauntlet. With each step, boots sank deeper, creating a sucking sound that echoed in the quiet morning. The once familiar landscape was transformed into a slippery, brown expanse. Every muscle ached as I fought to keep my balance and push forward, one muddy footstep at a time.

Alto Pradela: A Demanding Detour

The Alto Pradela variant is a challenging detour that begins with a steep, 400-meter ascent, extending the journey by 1.5 kilometers compared to the historical route. Before descending sharply into Trabadelo, the path winds through the quaint village of Pradela.

I advise against this option for inexperienced pilgrims or those aiming to cover the entire Villafranca to O Cebreiro stage in one day. The climb is brutal, and ample water is essential. Trust me, I learned this the hard way!

The Camino is a journey of self-discovery. With each step, you peel back layers of stress and routine, allowing introspection to blossom. The vastness of the Spanish sky becomes your canvas for reflection, the silence punctuated only by the rhythm of your own breath. You'll confront challenges, both physical and mental, but with every sunrise, a renewed sense of purpose emerges.

The Pilgrimage Road to Santiago – Camino Francés (Part 1)

The Pilgrimage Road to Santiago – Camino Francés (Part 1)


The Camino Francés, also known as the French Way, is the most popular pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain. It's not just a religious journey, but a historical path steeped in tradition and natural beauty.

Stretching roughly 800 kilometers (500 miles) from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France, the Camino Francés winds its way through rolling hills, charming villages, and historic cities like Pamplona and Burgos. Pilgrims of all faiths and walks of life walk this ancient path, each carrying their own reasons for embarking on this transformative experience.

The reason behind my Camino journey

Originally, I hadn't planned an impromptu Camino de Santiago trek. However, feeling Overwhelmed by the sorrow of Bear's absence, I sought an escape. My friend Miranda suggested the journey and I reached out to an old friend in Paris who enthusiastically agreed to join me. Without hesitation, I booked a flight to Paris and packed my bags within two hours. Uncertain of what lies ahead, I embarked on this journey with one clear purpose: to find answers.

Journey starts in Saint Jean Pied de Port

Imagine starting your journey in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, a quaint French town nestled in the Pyrenees. Cobbled streets and colorful houses bid you farewell as you begin your ascent, a symbolic shedding of the familiar before stepping onto the ancient path. The landscape soon unfolds its beauty - rolling hills adorned with vineyards and olive groves, quaint villages with timeworn churches, and bustling towns teeming with pilgrim life.

Pilgrim Office St Jean Pied de Port: Your Camino Starting Point

St Jean Pied de Port Pilgrim Office is a must-visit for any Camino de Santiago novice. As a first-time pilgrim, I was overwhelmed with excitement and uncertainty. This friendly office became my guiding star.

Helpful volunteers provided invaluable information about routes, accommodations, and essential gear. I got my pilgrim passport, the iconic credential, and received expert advice on preparing for the journey. Their enthusiasm was contagious, fueling my determination to embark on this incredible adventure.

DAY 1 - Saint Jean Pied de Port to Roncesvalles (25KM)

Our first day began later than planned due to a gear shopping stop. We equipped ourselves with the necessary items for the trek: raincoat, clothes, hiking shoes (realizing my shoes were no match for the wet conditions, I had to purchase a new pair), gloves, and more. With 25 kilometers as our daily target, we opted for a 10-kilometer taxi ride in order to reach our destination before nightfall. Despite the delayed start, covering 15 kilometers walk on our first day was a promising beginning.


After a challenging 15-kilometer trek, we finally reached Roncesvalles, our first Spanish town. Tonight, we'll rest at La Posada de Roncesvalles. Thankfully, our backpacks arrived at the hotel ahead of us.

DAY 2 - Roncesvalles to Zubiri (21.7km)

Each morning, we had to drop off our luggage at the reception by 8 AM (8€/each) for the luggage delivery to the next accommodation. Also, to prevent blisters, I applied tape to my feet before setting off.

Roncesvalles to Zubiri: A Green Awakening

The trail from Roncesvalles to Zubiri is a verdant escape. Rolling hills, lush forests, and babbling brooks accompany pilgrims on this stretch of the Camino. The air is crisp, carrying the scent of pine and damp earth. As the path winds its way through quaint Basque villages, the warmth of local hospitality is evident. Each step brings a sense of peace and connection to the natural world. While the terrain can be challenging at times, the rewards are immense.

We made it! Zubiri!

Reaching Zubiri felt like a significant milestone. The quaint village offered a respite from the trail. That evening, Suseia Hostel proved to be more than just accommodation. The communal dinner brought together pilgrims from diverse backgrounds. At dinner, we shared a table with an Australian father and daughter who had conquered the Camino a decade prior. Their insights were invaluable, especially their recommendation to use Alsa, Spain's long-distance bus service. This tip proved incredibly helpful during my journey. As the night deepened, it was clear that the Camino was as much about the journey within as it was about the path ahead.

DAY 3 - Zubiri to Pamplona (21.8KM)

Zubiri to Pamplona: A River's Embrace

Leaving the charming village of Zubiri, the Camino follows the Arga River, creating a serene and picturesque path. The journey unfolds through a mix of lush forests, rolling hills, and charming Basque villages. As the trail nears Pamplona, the urban landscape begins to emerge, offering a contrast to the rural tranquility. The anticipation of reaching this historic city adds an extra spring to the pilgrim's step.

Finally in Pamplona!

The city's vibrant energy is a stark contrast to the quiet Camino paths. After days of walking, it feels incredible to explore bustling streets and immerse myself in rich history. Pamplona offers a well-deserved reward for the journey so far.

DAY 4 - Pamplona - Leon - Cacabelos (501KM)

To expedite our Camino from 30 to 14 days, we opted to rent a car and drive from Pamplona to Leon. From there, we'd continue our pilgrimage by taking an ALSA bus to Cacabelos. Combining driving and bus travel would cover 501 kilometers in about 8 hours, significantly shortening our journey.

DAY 5 - Cacabelos to Valcarce (25KM)

The walk from Cacabelos to Valcarce is a journey through rolling vineyards and picturesque landscapes. The Camino here is less crowded, offering a quieter pilgrimage experience. The air is filled with the sweet scent of grapes, and the region's renowned wines are a tempting reward at the end of each day. As the path climbs steadily, the views become increasingly breathtaking, making every step worthwhile.

Villafranca del Bierzo

Approaching Villafranca del Bierzo is a delightful surprise. This charming town, nestled amidst rolling hills and vineyards, offers a welcome respite. Its historic center, with its cobbled streets and quaint squares, invites exploration. As a pilgrim, it's a perfect place to rest and recharge before tackling the upcoming challenges. The town's warm atmosphere and delicious local cuisine make it a memorable stop on the Camino.

Alto Pradela: A Demanding Detour

The Alto Pradela variant is a challenging detour that begins with a steep, 400-meter ascent, extending the journey by 1.5 kilometers compared to the historical route. Before descending sharply into Trabadelo, the path winds through the quaint village of Pradela.

I advise against this option for inexperienced pilgrims or those aiming to cover the entire Villafranca to O Cebreiro stage in one day. The climb is brutal, and ample water is essential. Trust me, I learned this the hard way!

DAY 6 - 8 Valcarce - Lugo

The grueling Alto Pradela route took its toll, I unfortunately sustained a leg injury that forced me to pause my Camino journey. Determined to continue, I researched alternative options. My plan: a three-day recovery in Lugo, accessible by ALSA bus, followed by a train ride to Sarria to reunite with my friend and hit the trail together.

Camino Setback: From Injury to Recovery (LUGO!)

I spent 3 relaxing days in Lugo, which helped my feet recover significantly. I enjoyed leisurely sightseeing each day and indulged in delicious local cuisine. Lugo is a charming city. On my final day, I took a bus to Sarria. Carrying both backpacks while walking over 30+ minutes from the bus stop to the hotel to meet my friend proved to be quite a challenge.

2024 Unforgettable fireworks on the Champs-Elysées in Paris

2024 Unforgettable fireworks on the Champs-Elysées in Paris


Celebrating on Champs Elysees Avenue

I love visiting Paris! It is a fantastic city that has something for everyone. The Champs-Élysées remains the place to be to celebrate New Year's Eve 2024. It’s a popular spot, over 300,000 people visit it every day and yes it’s crowded day and night. We heard there might be over a million people gather on Champs-Élysées in Paris to see fireworks this year. It is recommended to stay somewhere walking distance to the Champs-Élysées. If you want to see the new year's eve fireworks on the Champs-Elysées in person, you’ll have to arrive early (no later than 9pm) to snag the best spots. Also, from 5pm onwards, you should expect stations to close so be sure to get there early.

When the clock strikes 12 in the evening, splashes of bright colors shoot from the foot of the picturesque Arc de Triomphe. The fireworks show lasts for about 10 minutes. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or first time in Paris, experiencing New Year's Eve in Paris is an unforgettable adventure! This could be a fun ideas on your bucket list. 🙂

Champs-Élysées around 5pm

Champs-Élysées around 5pm

Crowd control barriers were set up everywhere

Crowd control barriers were set up everywhere

Champs-Elysées around 5pm

建議要來跨年倒數, 最好是訂在Champs-Élysées附近走路能抵達的酒店, 因為除夕當天很多條線路的地鐵到了下午5點前就停止營運, 然後路上很多地區主幹道又封路, 蠻混亂的, 如果太早進來, 可能只能在街上閒逛或者坐在餐廳裡等, 很多店也都蠻早關的, 我們是在酒店待到差不多9點左右再出去.

大約是5點左右的Champs-Élysées已經有許多人潮, 附近街道已有佈置防護柵欄, 我們下午5點多進去附近超市買東西, 因為元旦很多店都沒開, 5點半左右出來, 看到許多警車和警方人員抵達維持秩序, 已經進不去原先可以進去Champs-Élysées的街道, 警方要我們繞道而行, 如果一定要通過柵欄, 就必須出示酒店或者餐廳的預約.


Champs-Elysées around 9pm

我們9點出來酒店的時候, 街道上全都是大批人潮, 大家都在想辦法要進入Champs-Élysées, 每個街道的關卡都被警方用柵欄圍住, 這時連出示餐廳的預約警方都不給進, 超級frustrated, 因為人潮太多根本看不到前方, 來回走了差不多四、五條街後才發現, 原來有一個街口是可以進去的, 必須需要通過安檢, 但是因為入口街道完全沒有告示, 前面又擠了大批人潮根本看不到哪裡才能進去, 警方也不會和你說, 只是一味地讓我們走到最後面街道去, 等走到了最後面, 那裡的警察又說不能進入, 叫我們去前面

Crowds made their way into the event

From 9pm onwards the crowds began to pour in

France gets the party started | Huge crowds expected for Paris’s New Year’s Eve fireworks

進到香謝麗舍大街已經差不多10點左右, 據說現場大概有超過100多萬人, 法國這次出動了6000民警察和憲兵在場確保所有人的活動安全, 這時的位置已經在後半部, 但還是可以看到凱旋門, 每隔一段時間都會有投影放射, 現場有DJ放音樂, 時不時還漂著毛毛小雨,現場氣氛很嗨, 一場表演接著一場, 將能量維持在巔峰!

Great fireworks show of the Arc de Triomphe 煙火秀

今年2024的奧運會因為是在Paris舉行, 凱旋門上投影了許多和奧運有關的視覺藝術(聽說明年奧運Paris酒店價格已經平均一晚1000歐左右了!),差不多站到快3小時腿已經快斷掉, 終於到了跨年重頭戲倒數時間, 大家都引頸期盼一起倒數10,9,8, 7...1, 此時凱旋門上方的音樂煙火表演將活動推向高潮, 煙火設計非常有法國風格, 精緻中帶有優雅走浪漫路線會舞動的煙火,很驚艷!

Paris new year countdown 2024
Paris new year countdown
Paris new year countdown fireworks 2024

Chaos to leave

煙火結束後大家開始散場, 不曉得為什麼街道還是被警車擋住, 警察站成一直列看著我們, 街道只剩下三分之一的路可以出去, 那麼大批的人從香謝麗舍大道一湧而出, 其實有擔心會出現推擠事件, 果真在走出那個狹小街道的時候, 我們是懸空被架出的, 根本沒有辦法控制左右前後, 只能被人潮推出, 如果有人跌倒的話那後果真是不堪設想啊..
A Geyserville Gem | Cyrus restaurant

A Geyserville Gem | Cyrus restaurant

Michelin Star Napa & Sonoma

The Bubble Lounge

We have been anxious to try the long awaited reopening of Cyrus in Geyserville, CA. The restaurant is surrounding by Aperture Winery vineyards. After checking in,  you are greeted by a warm and friendly host and free to choose your seats in the Bubble Lounge (more choices if you arrive early). We were lucky enough to pick the high top seats facing the vineyard to enjoy the marvelous views.

Cyrus Restaurant

Kitchen Table

Next we were guided into the beautiful kitchen where you are seated in a U shaped kitchen table with 12 seats. Chef Keane created a kitchen table dining experience that feels fun for everyone and exudes a casual atmosphere. Guests are free to walk around and chat with staff during the time at the kitchen table. We had fun seeing all the professional equipment and the chefs were excited to show us their cooking techniques.

Kitchen Table at Cyrus

Chef Douglas Keane Cyrus
Gazpacho Consomme at Cyrus
Oyster Corn Kimchee Granite at Cyrus
Managatsuo, Plums, Ginger-Shiso Dashi Gelee at Cyrus
Lobster, Avocado, Thai Basil, Melon at Cyrus
Artichoke, Sake Lees, Lettuce Puree, Benitade at Cyrus
Chicken and Egg by Cyrus

Dining Room

After the kitchen table we were guided to a spacious dining room with beautiful views of a water feature against the backdrop of the vineyard grounds. The progression of different seating areas really add to the overall dining experience and sets it apart from other fine dining restaurants. Each dish showcases a delicious combination of flavors and presentations. I absolutely adore the glassware and plates they chose. We ate with our eyes first with every course presentation.

Halibut, coconut milk galangal, finger lime, lychee at Cyrus
Foie Gras Torchon at Cyrus
Pampered Abalone Corn-Shio Koji Broth Uni form at Cyrus
Filet of Beef, Green Tomatoes, Swiss Chard, Smoked Jus at Cyrus
Andante Dairy Melange, Pluot, Nasturtium, Shokupan
Melon and Lemon Verbena Sorbet
Toasted Sourdough Custard, fig leaf, husk cherry

Non-Alcoholic Pairing Menus

Cyrus offered one of the creative and delicious non-alcoholic pairing menus we'd experienced any in the world. (The only one comparable is Aviary in Chicago.) Most restaurants opt to offer pre-bottled/pre-made juices but the beverage director (also named Cyrus!) created inventive drinks with fresh ingredients that just so happened to not have alcohol --he didn't just phone it in. Each beverage matched the course it was design for and added to the dish. I was really impressed with the level of thoughtfulness and detail that this pairing menu provided.

The Spritz blackberry, gooseberry, juniper, elderflower, lime
Fizz Blueberry, Earl Grey, Shiitake-verjus, Thyme
Golden Raisin Cordial Stone Fruit Gastrique, Chamomile, Lavender
Tea Old Fashioned Oolong, Burnt suger, Miso-cured Orange
Sweet Coconut Horchata, Oat Milk, Sake Lees, Mintc

Chocolate Room

After dessert you are led into the Chocolate Room. The hidden entrance to the room was a fun surprise and we were immediately met with a huge chocolate fountain upon entering. What a beautiful and one-of-a-kind concept! The levitating platform that held our chocolate treats was also visually stunning. Cyrus is definitely worthy of a special journey.

Black Sesame Dragee Brownie at Chocolate room
Chocolate Pave at Cyrus
Box of Chocolates at Cyrus Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Umami
Nisei Restaurant 二世 | Modern Japanese fine dining

Nisei Restaurant 二世 | Modern Japanese fine dining

Michelin Star San Francisco Bay Area

When you first walked into Nisei you can feel the ambiance was elegant & sleek with modern Japanese touches. We ordered the tasting menu which features 13 courses plus an add-on caviar & banana dorayaki and a final round of wagashi. Service was warm and well-intentioned and the food was well thought out and prepared. Very enjoyable meal.


The "appetizer" rounds we got were in courses 1-4, which were nori cotton candy, tako sunomono, Shingiku/ pea shoots in shiro dashi, and dry aged shima aji.


The "entree" rounds followed in courses 5-10, which were a lobster in paitan broth,  cold chawanmushi, kobujime hirame/strawberry three ways/micro shiso, abalone tempura, squash blossom, and grilled unagi.

caviar at Nisei
caviar at Nisei
Paitan broth, lobster, grilled baby corn, marigold at Nisei
Cold chawanmushi, cherry tomato, seaweed, trout roe at Nisei

As each dish arrived at our table, we were explained clearly and in detail what each was and contained.

Kobujime hirame, strawberry three ways, micro shiso at Nisei
Kobujime hirame, strawberry three ways, micro shiso at Nisei
Sweet corn takoyaki, C&S corn, black truffle at Nisei
Squash blossom, tsukune, summer squash, tamago at Nisei

Diners have a glimpse of the kitchen.

Nisei restaurant
Unagi, eggplant, wasabi, kinome at Nisei


Macha. shiitake. honey
White chocolate. dashi. caviar
Amazake. blueberry. bee pollen
Sweet corn "takoyaki". C&S corn. black truffle
Assorted wagashi

Matcha, shiitake, honey at Nisei
White chocolate, dashi, caviar at Nisei
Amazake, blueberry, bee pollen at Nisei
Sweet corn takoyaki, C&S corn, black truffle at Nisei
Assorted wagashi at Nisei San Francisco
How Coronavirus Has Changed Everyday Life

How Coronavirus Has Changed Everyday Life

United States

March 19, 2020 was the day the coronavirus social distancing began in California and has now escalated to complete social isolation. Starts from Wuhan, China, now the entire world is under tremendous pressure and stress.

The virus spreads like a wildfire, we are powerless and helpless. Some of the most well-known celebrities have tested positive for COVID-19. Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Boris Johnson, Prince Charles, Pink, and more.  Some who’ve already died tragically of the virus. It is sad. No one knows if life will ever go back to the way it was before.

Grocery stores and large retailers like Costco and Target have implemented changes to deal with social distancing guidelines during the coronavirus pandemic. Costco now require all shoppers to wear face masks while inside the warehouse. The same is true for Home Depots, you can’t enter without properly cover your face.  Many people are getting frustrated and bored at home but we also need to be considered to others.


Whole Foods is asking shoppers wear masks. However, masks are not mandatory to enter the store. You can still find some shoppers have no mask on. 

Customers shopping at Wholefoods have their face covered

All the cashier wear masks and gloves and the plexiglass installed at the checkout station.

Plexiglass installed around registers

L: Shoppers maintain distances of 6 feet apart from other people. R: The staff has a plastic visor on

Nijiya Market

Shoppers are waiting in lines

Shoppers face lines at Nijiya market

Nijiya: update on coronavirus

Downtown Castro Street

Downtown MV

Delivery Robots

Since we need to minimize human-to-human contact. Tech companies have stepped up to get more robots out in force to deliver. Robots can deliver essential items (drugs or meals) to people who purchase online and are quarantined at home. This can also help to reduce cross-infection since robots are immune to infection.

Food/Grocery delivery robots are getting popular in the local area

Grocery/Food Delivery Robots

Line to Enter Trader Joe’s

Line to Enter Walmart

The 71st Sapporo Snow Festival 第71 回さっぽろ雪まつり

The 71st Sapporo Snow Festival 第71 回さっぽろ雪まつり

Hokkaido Japan

We plan this trip a year ago since it is almost impossible to find places to stay during the festival. The snow festival starts in 1950 with some high school students built 6 snow statues in Odori Park (Sapporo’s central park). Now it features hundreds of snow and ice sculptures created by people from all over the world. The 71st annual Sapporo Snow Festival kicked off on 2/4/2020. It has 3 different locations in Sapporo. The main site is the Odori Site in Sapporo’s centrally located 1.5 kilometer long Odori Park. The 2nd is the Tsudome site for outdoor family-friendly activities and most of them are free. The last one is the Susukino Site, which has around 60 illuminated ice sculptures.

Sapporo snow festival is not the only winter festival in Hokkaido. You can also check Otaru Snow Light Path Festival and Asahikawa Winter Festival.

Odori Site 大通会場

On Display: 2/4/2020 – 2/11/2020 開催期間:2020.2.4 – 2.11
Venue: Nishi 1 chome – Nishi 12 chome 開催場所:大通公園 西1丁目~西12丁目

Gigantic snow and ice sculptures are on display at the Odori Park. There are less people attended the event this year due to the concerns over corona-virus. Most tourists are seen in masks during the snow festival.

All is One, shows the AInu worldview, the faith that all things are closely connected as ONE

the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe 凱旋門賞


Kotankoro Kamuy (Blakiston’s fish owl) ウポポイ(民族共生象徴空間

Lazienki Park’s Palace on the Isle and Chopin’s Statue

Odori Site 大通会場

Hikakin & Seikin ヒカキン& セイキン, popular Japanese YouTubers

Sazae-san and Winter Sports in Sapporo サザエさん一家, famous Japanese animations Sazae-san family

Cup Noodles and Rui Hachimura’s snow tunnel

People can even ride a small train through the “Cup Noodles and Rui Hachimura (八村 塁, a Japanese-Beninese professional basketball player)” snow tunnel sculpture.

SNOW MIKU 2020 – 雪ミク

Ensemble Stars!”- Eccentric snow party!

Hokkaido Food Park 北海道食の広場

Here is the Anpanman Snow Sculpture!

International Square

Tsudome Site つどーむ会場

On Display: 1/31/2020 – 2/11/2020  開催期間:2020.1.31 – 2.11

We visit the Tsudome Site in the morning. Here you will find giant snow sliders and snow rafting area. Inside the dome there are lots food stalls. Next we headed to the next site of Susukino.

Susukino Site すすきの会場

On Display: 2/4/2020 – 2/11/2020 開催期間:2020.2.4 – 2.11
Venue: Nishi 4-chome Ave. between Minami 4 Jo-dori, and Minami 7 Jo-dori ( Ekimae-dori) 会場:南4条から南7条までの西4丁目線(札幌駅前通)

Susukino is also known as a red-light district in Sapporo. It’s only one subway stop from Odori Park.


The World’s Largest Light Illumination”Kingdom of Light” at Huis Ten Bosch Park, Sasebo, Japan

The World’s Largest Light Illumination”Kingdom of Light” at Huis Ten Bosch Park, Sasebo, Japan

Japan Japan

Burj Khalifa | The World’s Tallest Building

Huis Ten Bosch is known as one of the biggest theme parks in Japan. In addition, this theme park is sort of a Dutch Disneyland, with the whole idea being a recreation of an old Dutch city.

Huis Ten Bosch holds “Kingdom of Light” as an illumination event every year. Their Christmas light extravaganza runs from November into March and has millions of Christmas lights. In other words, this is the best time to visit Huis Ten Bosch. If you are planning a trip to Kyushu around Christmas & New Year, you may want to visit this spectacular winter wonderland!

After research, I decide to take my family (2 aunts and my mom, average age 65+) to Kyushu for the New Year holidays. And, where else can you enjoy a classic new year eve celebration with music, fun and fireworks? Huis Ten Bosch come into my head. Not only this place is like an adult’s Disneyland, but also a memorable, family-fun way to celebrate an awesome year of fun.
Read more info about Huis Ten Bosch.

Huis Ten Bosch Entrance Gate

Waiting for the Canal Cruise

It can’t be Amsterdam without Canal tours

We arrive the park around 10pm and don’t have to wait in line for too long. The canal is covered with rainbow colors in the evening and when canal cruisers pass, illuminated fountains are sprayed. Meanwhile, the outside weather is about 1-2 celsius degree so it’s nice to stay inside.

Light and Fountain Canal

Light and Fountain Canal

Canal Cruise at Huis Ten Bosch

Visit the Dutch Village in Huis Ten Bosch

Japan’s Secret Dutch City

Japan’s Secret Dutch City

Good outdoor seating area to eat and enjoy the view.

Huis Ten Bosch at night


Huis Ten Bosch food court

Huis Ten Bosch Food Court

On New Year’s Eve, there is a live concert with DJs and Japanese artists at center stage, which leads up to a countdown to midnight and fireworks celebration. At midnight, 8000 fireworks launched into the air over the water. This is the largest New Year’s Eve fireworks in Western Japan.

Huis Ten Bosch New Year Countdown Fireworks

Huis Ten Bosch Countdown Fireworks

Huis Ten Bosch New Year Countdown Fireworks

Huis Ten Bosch New Year Countdown Fireworks

Huis Ten Bosch Countdown Fireworks

Huis Ten Bosch Countdown to Midnight

Huis Ten Bosch New Year Countdown Fireworks

New Year’s Eve Fireworks | Huis Ten Bosch

Bring your dogs! It’s a dog-friendly theme park!

Huis Ten Bosch Countdown Fireworks

Huis Ten Bosch New Year Countdown

The tower is the landmark of Huis Ten Bosch. It is beautifully lit at night.

tower city in  huis Ten Bosch

Tower City

é by José Andrés | The Cosmopolitan | Las Vegas

é by José Andrés | The Cosmopolitan | Las Vegas

Las Vegas

There are 2 seating times (5:30 PM & 8:30 PM) with only 9 seats at a counter in an intimate room. It all started with getting the golden tickets in the mail! We heard from other guests that the waiting list to é is months long. :O

Golden tickets

Branches of the Desert

é is in the Cosmopolitan hotel and is located in a private room behind Jaleo (serves authentic Spanish cuisine ). Guests arrived by 5:30pm and we all wait at a communal table at the front of Jaleo.

Morning Dew

Stone & Beet Rose


It was interesting to watch the chefs preparing the dishes and listening to the explanations of the molecular gastronomy techniques they were using and finding out the food origins.

Wonder Bread

A brilliant mini PB&J sandwich with lemony meringue bread and foie gras jelly. This is my favorite!

Uni & Lardo | Pan Con Tomate

L: Hokkaido uni topped with melt in your mouth Lardo Iberico.

R: Crispy cream puff topped with ham.


Edible Sangria

Garbanzos Y Jamon

Txangurro A La Donostiarra

Dungeness crab meat with a rich vial of crab broth and some crunchy bread crumbs on the side for more flavor and texture.

Foie Royal



I really like the flavor of the braised beef cheeks. It’s so tender and served with liquid-filled potato gnocchi.


Empanada (cotton-candy empanada filled with foie gras)

Menjar Blanc

Intxausaltsa (Walnut prepared in 4 ways)


Cherry Bomb and More things…


Photos with Chefs & Guests
